Women's Brunch Bunch
will meet Tuesday, March 18th at noon at the Ocean Grille
All are welcome!
Job Opportunity
The Christian Storehouse in Millsboro is seeking a candidate for a part time leadership position. This position is approximately 20 hours per week and could transfer into a full-time position. The candidate should have good communication and organizational skills.
Please send your resume to
You may also call either Rick at 443-880-4214 or Wayne at 302-745-2243
​​Free Tax Preparation Service
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offers free tax preparation to anyone of any age – especially if you are 50 or older or can’t afford paid tax preparation.
WHERE: Long Neck Methodist Church, Benjamin Hall
WHEN: Mondays February 3 through April 7
TIMES: From 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Click here to schedule online
For more information or to schedule an appointment call 302-316-4972.
Once appointment has been scheduled information packets can be picked up at the Long Neck Cheer Center.
Year End Giving Statement
If you would like a year-end giving statement to prepare your 2024 taxes you can request a statement by contacting the church office at 302-945-9453 or by email:
​​​​If you know someone who would like a visit, a call, Home Communion or any other pastoral care or if you would like this ministry, please contact the Office (during office hours) or place the information on the Connect Card.
​The Food Closet at Long Neck Methodist Church
Current Needs:
None at present, please check back for updates!
Thank you for your support of this important mission, serving your brothers and sisters in the Long Neck area.